
Bill Johnson Quotes about Jesus

Anything you think you know about about God, that you can't find in the person of Jesus, you have reason to question.

Bill Johnson (2016). “God is Good: He's Better Than You Think”, p.98, Destiny Image Publishers

Jesus did not command us to pray for the sick.He commanded us to heal them.

Bill Johnson, Randy Clark (2011). “The Essential Guide to Healing”, p.51, Chosen Books

Jesus ruined every funeral he attended including his own.

Bill Johnson (2016). “God is Good: He's Better Than You Think”, p.103, Destiny Image Publishers

It is abnormal for a Christian not to have an appetite for the impossible. It has been written into our spiritual DNA to hunger for the impossibilities around us to bow at the name of Jesus.

Bill Johnson (2013). “When Heaven Invades Earth Expanded Edition: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles”, p.18, Destiny Image Publishers

Jesus is returning for a bride whose body is in equal proportion to her head.

Bill Johnson (2014). “Experience the Impossible: Simple Ways to Unleash Heaven's Power on Earth”, p.119, Chosen Books