Creativity is an infinitely renewable resource - you are not going to run out of it - so don't be afraid to use it.
Creativity is a renewable resource. Challenge yourself every day. Be as creative as you like, as often as you want, because you can never run out. Experience and curiosity drive us to make unexpected, offbeat connections. It is these nonlinear steps that often lead to the greatest work.
I realized ceativity is a renewable resource. You never run out of good ideas
Even though running is physically straining, it's mentally refreshing. Especially when you feel like you've accomplished something.
We actually created Twitter and Odeo at the same time. When we realized we didn't really want to be running Odeo anymore we looked around for anyone who wanted to buy Odeo, but not acquire us as a technology. But people aren't as interested in that.
The reason I really started running was for meditative purposes. I would pick some problem to have in my head while running.