Brigham Young Quotes - Page 7
Brigham Young (1854). “Journal of Discourses”
Brigham Young (1992). “The Essential Brigham Young”
I want to live perfectly above the law, and make it my servant instead of my master.
Brigham Young (1854). “Journal of Discourses”, p.364
To mind your own business incorporates the whole duty of man.
Brigham Young (1867). “Journal of Discourses”, p.107
For their abuse of [the Black African] race, the whites will be cursed, unless they repent.
Journal of Discourses, Vol.10, p. 110, 1863.
Brigham Young (1977). “Journal of Discourses”, p.51, Рипол Классик
Brigham Young (1854). “Journal of Discourses”, p.219
Brigham Young (1992). “The Essential Brigham Young”
Brigham Young (1867). “Journal of Discourses”, p.275
Brigham Young (1992). “The Essential Brigham Young”
Brigham Young (1992). “The Essential Brigham Young”
Brigham Young (1992). “The Essential Brigham Young”