Handsome, thin, sophisticated men often fall madly in love with larger women, we just never see it on TV.
In my fantasies, I always wanted to play the ingenue, but in reality, in my bones, I am so used to playing the grandmother that I don't feel safe or even sure that I can do it
For a long time, I really struggled with the idea of being an actor because I really felt that I should be in the Peace Corps.
I've always thought of fat as just a descriptive word
The character I play is a wonderful compilation of things I hate about myself and things I love about myself and things that I've invented to make her even more interesting than me.
I have lived my life in a culture that hates fat people.
My parents have always been offended by my weight, embarrassed maybe. It didn't fit with their sensibilities
Both of my parents are professors and everyone in my family has some fabulous degree of something or another and I couldn't get into college because I didn't know a language.
Waiting, waiting, waiting. All my life, I've been waiting for my life to begin, as if somehow my life was ahead of me, and that someday I would arrive at it.
I don't even like to be naked in front of myself!
Street performers, homemade crafts, keep your wallet in your front pocket and don't buy any crap!
I hate overweight, because it implies that there's a weight standard i should be adhering to
fashion has always been a little slow in accommodating large women. ... We're not asking for philanthropy here. Wake up, we're fat, we like nice clothes, and we've got cash.
So to me, fat just seems to be right to the point and the most descriptive way to say it.