
Charles L. Allen Quotes

When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.

When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God.

Charles L. Allen (2003). “All Things Are Possible Through Prayer: The Faith-Filled Guidebook That Can Change Your Life”, p.51, Revell

But how can I give to God what is rightfully His? There is only one way; that is in service to others.

Charles L. Allen (1984). “God's Psychiatry: Healing for the Troubled Heart and Spirit”, p.36, Baker Books

The first purpose of prayer is to know God.

Charles L. Allen (2003). “All Things Are Possible Through Prayer: The Faith-Filled Guidebook That Can Change Your Life”, p.16, Revell

As I go about I see a lot of "coffin" men. They have room for themselves and nobody else.

Charles L. Allen (1984). “God's Psychiatry: Healing for the Troubled Heart and Spirit”, p.36, Baker Books

What a person thinks about determines what he is.

Charles L. Allen (1984). “God's Psychiatry: Healing for the Troubled Heart and Spirit”, p.25, Baker Books

Actually no person owns anything. All belongs to God, but while man is on earth he has the God-given right of possession.

Charles L. Allen (1984). “God's Psychiatry: Healing for the Troubled Heart and Spirit”, p.35, Baker Books

Some people's measure of success is how much they can grab hold of and hold on to.

Charles L. Allen (1984). “God's Psychiatry: Healing for the Troubled Heart and Spirit”, p.36, Baker Books

I can become so interested in what I have that I forget the needs of my soul.

Charles L. Allen (1984). “God's Psychiatry: Healing for the Troubled Heart and Spirit”, p.23, Baker Books

Contentment gives peace and joy in our minds and hearts, which is the reward of living God's way.

Charles L. Allen, Robert V. Ozment (1953). “God's Psychiatry, ...But God Can”