
Charles Lamb Quotes about Simplicity

Cultivate simplicity or rather should I say banish elaborateness, for simplicity springs spontaneous from the heart.

Cultivate simplicity or rather should I say banish elaborateness, for simplicity springs spontaneous from the heart.

Charles Lamb, Sir Thomas Noon Talfourd (1854). “Talfourd, T. N. Life and letters”, p.38

Cultivate simplicity, Coleridge.

Letter to S. T. Coleridge, 8 November 1796, in E. Marrs (ed.) 'The Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb' vol. 1 (1975) p. 60

I allow no hot-beds in the gardens of Parnassus.

Charles Lamb (1858). “The letter of Charles Lamb, newly arranged: with additions; ed., with introduction and notes”, p.38