
Chris Christie Quotes

There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their Speaker John Boehner.

There is only one group to blame for the continued suffering of these innocent victims: the House majority and their Speaker John Boehner.

"Christie lambasts House Republicans over Sandy bill: 'Shame on Congress'" by Ewen MacAskill, January 2, 2013.

Sometimes people need to be told to sit down and shut up.

"CPAC highlights, from the speeches to the swag". February 26, 2015.

I am who I am, but I am not a bully.

"New Jersey Gov. Christie Apologizes for Bridge Scandal". January 9, 2014.

The president needs to be a force that is trusted in the world.

"5th Republican debate transcript, annotated: Who said what and what it meant". 2016 presidential debate in Las Vegas, Nevada, December 15, 2015.

They believe in teachers unions. We believe in teachers.

Chris Christie's speech at the Republican National Convention, August 28, 2012.

You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart!

"Goodbye, Bill Daley; Christie goes down; Todd Palin endorses" by Alexandra Petri, January 9, 2012.

Get the hell off the Beach in Asbury Park and get out. You're done. It's 4:30 PM. You've maximized your tan. Get off the beach. Get in you cars and get out of those areas.

"Hurricane Irene Cuts Short Jersey Shore Summer". "All Things Considered" with Robert Siegel, August 26, 2011.

Hillary Clinton supported concessions to the Castro brothers and got almost nothing in return for ending the embargo.

The Republican National Convention Speech in Cleveland, July 19, 2016.

I don't compromise my principles for politics.

Chris Christie on same-sex marriage 'I don't compromise my principles for politics'" by Jason Kurtz, February 20. 2012.