
Chris Cleave Quotes

A scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, I survived.

Chris Cleave (2010). “Little Bee: A Novel”, p.9, Simon and Schuster

At some point you just have to turn around and face your life head on.

Chris Cleave (2009). “Little Bee: A Novel”, p.228, Simon and Schuster

Courage is a muscle that develops through use. It's no use waiting for some inner fire to conveniently become apparent at the moment of crisis - that's cartoon stuff.

"'We Don't Know Our Hearts Until Life Puts Us to the Test'--Chris Cleave on 'Everyone Brave Is Forgiven'". Interview With Erin Kodicek, May 31, 2016.

Life is extremely short and you cannot dance to current affairs.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.154, Simon and Schuster

So when I say that I am a refugee, you must understand that there is no refuge.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.64, Simon and Schuster

Looking after a very sick child was the Olympics of parenting.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Gold”, p.284, Hachette UK

My maternal grandmother was in London during the Blitz. Indeed, the man she was dating before she met my grandfather was killed beside her in a cinema, in 1941, when a bomb came through the roof - a tragedy in which she herself was badly wounded.

"'We Don't Know Our Hearts Until Life Puts Us to the Test'--Chris Cleave on 'Everyone Brave Is Forgiven'". Interview With Erin Kodicek, May 31, 2016.

Sometimes we don't notice that someone is being brave, because they are only doing something that seems quite easy for us.

""We Don't Know Our Hearts Until Life Puts Us to the Test"--Chris Cleave on 'Everyone Brave Is Forgiven'". Interview With Erin Kodicek, May 31, 2016.

We must see all scars as beauty. Okay? This will be our secret. Because take it from me, a scar does not form on the dying. A scar means, 'I survived'.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.25, Simon and Schuster

We must constantly dare ourselves in the small things, until courage becomes a habit of mind that will serve us when we are unexpectedly tested.

"'We Don't Know Our Hearts Until Life Puts Us to the Test'--Chris Cleave on 'Everyone Brave Is Forgiven'". Interview With Erin Kodicek, May 31, 2016.

If your face is swollen from the severe beatings of life, smile and pretend to be a fat man.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.291, Simon and Schuster

There was no quick grief for Andrew because he had been so slowly lost. First from my heart, then from my mind, and only finally from my life.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.115, Simon and Schuster

This is the forked tongue of grief again. It whispers in one ear: return to what you once loved best, and in the other ear it whispers, move on.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.255, Simon and Schuster

Horror in your country is something you take a dose of to remind yourself that you are not suffering from it.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.63, Simon and Schuster

I was carrying two cargoes. Yes, one of them was horror, but the other one was hope.

Chris Cleave (2010). “Little Bee: A Novel”, p.49, Simon and Schuster

Our stories are the tellers of us.

Chris Cleave (2010). “Little Bee: A Novel”, p.131, Simon and Schuster

We cannot choose where to start and stop. Our stories are the tellers of us.

Chris Cleave (2012). “Chris Cleave Ebook Boxed Set: Little Bee, Incendiary, Gold”, p.152, Simon and Schuster