I think a lot of Democrats I know, who will vote in the Democratic primary and vote for the Democratic nominee and later general, they go back and forth between two feelings. One is oh, my God, I`m terrified. Maybe this guy will be formidable in a general.
You see a lot of fear among Republicans. Oh, man, this guy [Donald Trump] has a lot of vulnerabilities and weaknesses that`s not been tested at all yet.
If he [Donald Trump]can boost Mitt Romney`s performance five points among white folks, he could have a shot.
I`ve got to get a shoutout to, who`s the "BuzzFeed" reporter, he`s amazing at finding stuff. You have Donald Trump talking about his experiences having casual sex as his own personal Vietnam, avoiding an STD, like no one.
Tens of millions of dollars spent, all meant to get Jeb Bush elected president. He currently is polling on average at around 5%.
Not only has [Donlald] Trump adopted that tactic attacking usual suspects like The New York Times and The Washington Post, but he`s turning it back on the conservative media who invented it in the first place.
The idea of a celebrity endorsing a presidential candidate is nothing new, but the full-throated endorsement for Senator Bernie Sanders from one of the country`s biggest hip hop stars had surprised some political observers.
We got the clearest picture of Donald Trump`s weaknesses and liabilities in a general election. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz finally gave up on trying to convince Republican primary voters that Trump is not a real conservative, attacks that have failed to resonate.
Trump University is just one of the many lines of attack that were opened up last night, giving a preview of what`s to come in the general if [Donald] Trump is indeed the Republican nominee.
A Republican primary race that has for months alternated between spectacle and abomination has over the past 20th hours ignited into a raging, full-blown dumpster fire. One stoke by a group of men who hope to become the most powerful person in the world.
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz did their best Donald Trump impersonation. All three unleashing an unprecedented string of insults and attacks fit more for a barroom than a presidential debate stage.
Now, [Donald] Trump has thus far gotten endorsements from illustrious group, that includes Sarah Palin, David Duke, Dennis Rodman, racially profiling birther sheriff, Joe Arpaio, vaping Congressman Duncan Hunter, and just this afternoon, infamous Maine Governor Paul LePage who accused drug dealers with D-Money, Smoothie and Shifty of impregnating white women.
Chris Christie travelled to Ft. Worth, Texas, to give his blessing to a former rival who one week ago was approvingly discussing killing Muslim terrorists with bullets smeared in pig`s blood.
I remember reading an article about this idea of borderline personality disorder, which is reality producers try the find people who are sort of flamboyantly anti-social in these certain ways, because what happens when you put them around other people is they drag everyone down to their level. I feel like I`m watching this disgraceful race to the bottom.
Everyone is now [Donald] Trump.
Maybe it`s a great blow for feminism that we now have men mocking one another about their makeup. I mean, let`s - can we enjoy that? That`s kind of great.
I mean,[Marco] Rubio, he`s having fun. I`ve got to say I`ve never seen him enjoy himself out there so much. He`s found way to get under his skin. So, he`s found way to look like he`s somebody that is a force, which has hasn`t so far.
David Roberts, who is a writer at Vox who I like, had a line about the voter - your voters weren`t locked in the room with you, Republican establishment. You were locked in the room with them.
The knock on [Chris] Christie was always the I guy that he was - I felt inordinately talented politician, a smart and in some ways very capable human being, with a personality given toward authoritarianism and bullying and ethical corner-cutting.
None of us were prepared to hear what Justice Scalia said, because in essence what he was saying is let`s go back to pre-Board of Education - Brown versus Board of Education, 1950s America where blacks are doing all right going to black schools or schools where blacks go. He said go to less advanced schools where they do all right. We`re going back to separate but equal.