
Michael Wilbon Quotes

Sports executives are great at convincing themselves whatever they believe is right and simply has to be.

"The Chat House with Michael Wilbon: Olympics, Wizards, NBA, college basketball and more". Live chat, February 22, 2010.

There's no greater city between Memorial Day and Labor Day than Chicago. It's the single best summer city in America.

"The Chat House With Michael Wilbon: Tiger Woods, Michael Vick and the NFL". Live chat, August 17, 2009.

Professional football is the most violent thing your eyes have ever seen.

"The Chat House with Michael Wilbon: Michigan State, Tiger Woods, Great Sports Movies and More". Live Q&A, April 6, 2009.

Italy doesn't need American football. For what? I've been. Wine, women, song, shopping, unbelievable vistas and landscapes... You need Titans vs. Panthers? Uh, no.

"The Chat House With Michael Wilbon: Tiger Woods, Michael Vick and the NFL". Live chat, August 17, 2009.

Nothing is a violent as football and I bet you like. Just say you don't like it, or can't identify, don't come up with excuses like "It's too violent" while you wear some team's NFL jersey.

"The Chat House with Michael Wilbon: Michigan State, Tiger Woods, Great Sports Movies and More". Live chat, April 6, 2009.

Baseball should adopt replay, plain and simple. If we can see it at home or on hand-held PDAs, the technology should be used in games.

"The Chat House with Michael Wilbon: NBA and NHL Finals, LeBron James, Redskins and more". Live chat, June 1, 2010.