
Chuck D Quotes

Our freedom of speech is freedom or death, We got to fight the powers that be!

Chuck D, Yusuf Jah (2007). “Chuck D: Lyrics of a Rap Revolutionary”, Y & G Communications

Minds are the real estate of the 21st century.

Twitter post from Mar 13, 2016

I came from a mother and father who always made me secure in my beliefs, and that's where the love came from.

"Rapping the Vote With Chuck D". Interview with Jeff Chang, September/October 2004.

It's weak to speak and blame somebody else ...When you destroy yourself.

Chuck D, Yusuf Jah (2007). “Chuck D: Lyrics of a Rap Revolutionary”, Y & G Communications

Share and enjoy the fruits of this planet.

Interview with Maranda Pleasant, May 12, 2012.

The real thing is the heart, you know the heart shouldn't be covered with concrete.

Interview with Maranda Pleasant, May 12, 2012.