Colin S. Smith Quotes
Colin S. Smith (2016). “Momentum: Pursuing God's Blessings Through the Beatitudes”, p.178, Moody Publishers
Human life is created in God's image, and that makes it sacred.
Colin S. Smith (2016). “The 10 Greatest Struggles of Your Life: Finding Freedom in God's Commands”, p.67, Moody Publishers
Saint Augustine defined idolatry as worshiping what should be used or using what should be worshiped
Colin S. Smith (2016). “The 10 Greatest Struggles of Your Life: Finding Freedom in God's Commands”, p.24, Moody Publishers
The heart of the gospel is that Christ has come to save us from the judgment of God.
Colin S. Smith (2002). “Unlocking the Bible Story: Old Testament”, p.72, Moody Publishers