It was clear that [the number] just kept growing, and there were no [Hillary] Clinton signs. People were fed up.
If everybody in our caucus had a 50/50 [Democrat/Republican] district, we'd have a lot different discussion. But if they have a 90 percent Democratic district, they don't ever talk to a Republican, they don't have to and they don't want to.
We [Democrats] have become a party of assembling all these different groups, the women's caucus and the black caucus and the Hispanic caucus and the lesbian-gay-transgender caucus and so forth, and that doesn't relate to people out in rural America.
When it [NAFTA] was sold, we were supposed to get two or three times more exports to Canada or Mexico than they exported to us. It's been the exact opposite.
It was kind of interesting: [People] didn't really want to talk about it too much. And then after the election, it's kind of like they've been unleashed.
A lot of it is backlash against all this political correctness that's going on.
[Trade] was clearly a factor.That was a complete reversal of where things are normally at. Usually Republicans are all for free trade.
[Bernie] Sanders tapped into that [trade issues]; that was part of his support. And then when he didn't make it, some of those Sanders people went to [Donald] Trump.
I agree with [Donald] Trump: These trade agreements have not been good deals for America, and they need to be fixed.
I fought NAFTA when it passed; it has been a big disaster for us, in my opinion. If we can renegotiate that, it would be wonderful.
Well, the sugar guys have been dealing with NAFTA ever since it passed. Now we've got Mexico dumping sugar that's subsidized by the Mexican government into our market in violation of the World Trade Organization, because NAFTA gave them open access to our sugar market. They claim they're not subsidized, but the government owns half the industry in Mexico.
NAFTA's been a big problem for sugar.
[Rural people] have a different lifestyle, and they don't want to change it. They're happy with the way things are. It's causing the party political problems.