In Hollywood, maybe only ten percent will make it and the other ninety percent try. This elusive dream of making it and being on top is the same story as the moth being drawn to the flame. The flame and it's attractiveness is something you'll never eliminate. Some will learn how to live in that environment and others will burn in it.
I suppose I would still be a communicator, maybe a musician.
There are a lot of directors who are knowledgeable about images, and others who aren't.
I was very happy sitting alone at a dining room table, writing a script.
That's why I like fast film. It gives you more freedom to light more naturally.
You have to understand the nature of light.
I can still recall the thrill of shooting my first film.
It took a while for me to grasp that my colleagues believe I have made an impact on the history of cinema.
The audience has to understand that if the film is going to have any meaning for them. If they are going to empathize with the characters, they have to visualize the process of concentration involved in making every move.