
Courtney Barnett Quotes - Page 2

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An album is a thing you take time out and go work on.

Interview with Jayson Greene, October 1, 2013.

I think that a good song is catchy, and a great song is not catchy - but it has a deeper meaning.

"Courtney Barnett on songwriting, self-confidence, and her record label". Interview with Rose Riddell, February 29, 2016.

If I'm not touring I'd just be at home, just driving - I'm kind of at a loss for how that stuff works.

"Courtney Barnett on songwriting, self-confidence, and her record label". Interview with Rose Riddell, February 29, 2016.

When I was a teen, or like 18 to early 20s, I used to go to festivals all the time. I'd save all my money.

"Courtney Barnett on songwriting, self-confidence, and her record label". Interview with Rose Riddell, February 29, 2016.