
Courtney Barnett Quotes

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I think everyone's so scared of other people judging them.

"Courtney Barnett on songwriting, self-confidence, and her record label". Interview with Rose Riddell, February 29, 2016.

I think even though things are changing a bit, we still kind of tend to grow up with girls being like, 'Don't be too loud, don't be too rude, don't be too naughty,' or whatever, to act a certain way.

"Courtney Barnett on songwriting, self-confidence, and her record label". Interview with Rose Riddell, February 29, 2016.

It's easier to be angry. It's harder to be positive and happy, I reckon.

"Tired and Hungry and Alive: 36 Hours with Courtney Barnett" by Amanda Petrusich, March 16, 2015.

It was cool at the rock camp - girls could just be themselves and they could be silly, they could roll around on the floor playing guitar.

"Courtney Barnett on songwriting, self-confidence, and her record label". Interview with Rose Riddell, February 29, 2016.

I don't like to overcook songs.

"Biography/Personal Quotes".

I started writing songs when I started learning guitar.

"Biography/Personal Quotes".