Even a man who's pure in heart And says his prayers by night, May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms And the autumn moon is bright.
A bath and a tenderloin steak. Those are the high points of a man's life.
Everything seems beautiful because you don't understand. Those flying fish, they're not leaping for joy, they're jumping in terror. Bigger fish want to eat them. That luminous water, it takes its gleam from millions of tiny dead bodies, the glitter of putrescence. There's no beauty here, only death and decay.
You Nazis! I pity the devil when you boys start arriving in bunches.
A man of conviction is often more to be desired than a man of experience.
You'll find superstition a contagious thing. Some people let it get the better of them.
People who live in transparent bodies shouldn't be so suspicious.
Don't worry about a sugar planter. Give him a horse and he'll ride to his own funeral.
Weapons are created to be used. There's no place for the weak on this earth.