When we give thanks in all things, we see hardships and adversities in the context of the purpose of life.
The church doesn't seek apologies and we don't give them.
The word sharing affirms that we have something extraordinarily valuable and desire to give it to others for their benefit and blessing.
Let us give thanks for what we are and for the circumstances God has given us for our personal journey through mortality.
When we give thanks in all things, we see hardships and adversities in the context of the purpose of life... We are meant to learn and grow through opposition, through meeting our challenges, and through teaching others to do the same... the Lord will not only consecrate our afflictions for our gain, but He will use them to bless the lives of countless others.
Intellectual methods-study and reason-are essential to our progress toward eternal life, but they are not sufficient. They can prepare the way. They can get the mind ready to receive the Spirit. But what the scriptures call conversion-the change of mind and heart that gives us the direction and strength to move resolutely toward eternal life-comes only by the witness and power of the Holy Spirit.
Materialism, which gives priority to material needs and objects, is obviously the opposite of spirituality