
Daphne du Maurier Quotes - Page 3

Dead men tell no tales, Mary.

Dead men tell no tales, Mary.

Daphne Du Maurier (2012). “Daphne du Maurier Omnibus 3: Jamaica Inn; The Flight of the Falcon; The King's General; The Glass Blowers; The Breaking Point & Other Stories; Mary Anne”, p.104, Hachette UK

A familiar name on its own, however, does not carry its bearer far unless the talent is there, and the will to work.

Daphne Du Maurier (1980). “The Rebecca notebook and other memories”, Book Sales

It wouldn't make for sanity would it, living with the devil.

"Fictional character: George Fortescu Maximillian 'Maxim' de Winter". "Rebecca", 1940.

Come and see us if you feel like it,' she said. 'I always expect people to ask themselves. Life is too short to send out invitations.

Daphne Du Maurier (2012). “Daphne du Maurier Omnibus 4: Rebecca; My Cousin Rachel”, p.92, Hachette UK

Why, he wondered, should he remember her suddenly, on such a day, watching the rain falling on the apple trees?

Daphne Du Maurier (Dame) (1960). “The treasury of Du Maurier short stories”

[Referring to the birds:] Nat listened to the tearing sound of splintering wood, and wondered how many million years of memory were stored in those little brains, behind the stabbing beaks, the piercing eyes, now giving them this instinct to destroy mankind with all the deft precision of machines.

James A. Michener, Alan C. Collins, Mary Roberts Rinehart, Daphne du Maurier, Sixta, A.J. Cronin, Captain J. Y. Cousteau with Frederic Dumas (1953). “THE BRIDGES AT TOKO-RI, THE STORY OF AVIATION, THE SWIMMING POOL, KISS ME AGAIn, STRANGER, RIVETS, ADVENTURES IN TWO WORLDS, THE SILENT WORLD, SHORT STORIES OF DE MAUPASSANT”

All whispers and echoes from a past that is gone teem into the sleeper's brain, and he is with them, and part of them.

Daphne Du Maurier, Daphne Du Maurier (Dame) (1942). “Frenchman's creek”, Sourcebooks Landmark