I don't see the point of photographing trees or rocks because they're there and anyone can photograph them if they're prepared to hang around and wait for the light.
Fortunately I didn't get educated because if I'd got educated I'd be an educated fool now.
Actors are hard to photograph because they never want to reveal who they are. You don't know if you're getting a character from a Chekhov play or a Polanski film. It depends what mood they're in.
Rather than knowing more, I think I've got more open-minded.
I like change. There's something Buddhist about it - continuous change is wonderful.
The Sixties was a time of breaking down class barriers, although I think class still exists today in some areas.
I hate men who are in touch with their feminine side.
I was ten when I got my first serious beating. It was rough.
All I could do at school was paint and draw and that was the only time I ever passed any exam. It was the only thing I ever got right at school.
I didn't know I was going to live for 50 years. It has come as a shock.
My first influence obviously was Picasso.
My friends are all megalomaniacs - from Damien Hirst to Jack Nicholson - all of them.
I love learning new techniques.
In France they don't think I'm difficult.
I don't feel very optimistic in London.
London changes because of money. It's real estate. If they can build some offices or expensive apartments they will, it's money that changes everything in a city.
The skull is nature's sculpture.
When I die I want to go to Vogue.
I'm not really one for regrets.
I had a terrible time with feminists in the Seventies. They hated me, those women. I think they hated everything.
I don't think my work does reflect my nationality - I don't like the idea of nationalism.
I don't think global warming is to do with us, I think it's a natural circle. I don't think a few Ferraris make that much difference.
I didn't know a time when there wasn't a war because I spent all my time from the age of two or three to eight in a coal cellar really.
Journalists never make it clear when you are joking.
I'm never shocked, I'm not the shockable type!