I don't have a very disciplined approach to practicing or anything, but I do tend to have a guitar around most of the time, which I strum on most of the day.
Where would rock and roll be without feedback?
I think myself that, rather like books, music is meant to enter into the brain, well via your ears rather than your eyes but, it's - I think a lot more should be left to the imagination.
I think once you've seen a song with a video, it limits your own mind's ability to read into it anything other than what you've seen.
I don't know what you wanna describe as Rock 'n' Roll, but I certainly thought that 60s stuff, Bob Dylan and the Beatles, changed the world a little bit. But the effect seems to have retreated. I think it's harder than we think to change the world. These things go in cycles. It doesn't seem to have done an awful lot of good, does it? You know, all the talk of racial harmony and equality in the world... we haven't got a long way since the 60s.
Everything in moderation - that's what I live by.
I tend to jot down music.
I haven't watched it [the film 'Pink Floyd at Pompeii'] in years. I find it excruciating.
I don't like to get too specific about lyrics. It places limitations on them, and spoils the listeners' interpretation.
Well, I am David Gilmour, the voice and guitar of Pink Floyd. I have been since I was 21.
I've never had any religion. I'd prefer it if I did, really. Even as a boy I just couldn't make myself believe.
Subconsciously you just pick up things into your sort of musical vocabulary and use them.
I find it incredibly difficult to write anything that's really happy.
Personally, I'm not very keen on the visualization of absolutely everything.
I'm an atheist, and I don't have any belief in an afterlife.
Adrian Maben came to us with the idea. And we just thought, "Well, why not?" I don't think any of us thought it would be as well received and last in people's minds for as long as it did. All credit to him. It's his idea [Pink Floyd at Pompeii] and it was great.
No one can replace Richard Wright. He was my musical partner and my friend.
People in Italy seem to be very capable of singing along with 'Wish You Were Here' perfectly, yet it's hard to get someone in the street who speaks english.
I think a lot of things do influence me, but the influence mechanism is as such that these things dive into your brain and bury themselves into your subconscious and you're never quite sure where and how they're going to emerge. I don't think I really take direct influence.
People being incredibly rude and playing music incredibly badly and being incredibly obnoxious has always been a teenage sort of thing.
I can't remember really what it's like to do it within Pink Floyd. In my mind, that's a thing of the past.
I don't even think whether I play the blues or not, I just play whatever feels right at the moment. I also will use any gadget or device that I find that helps me achieve the sort of sound on the guitar that I want to get.
I am in a space now where I can try anything; and with Pink Floyd we've always been in a space where we were able to try out anything. I think we were very young then and we were very keen to experiment and try things out. It seems to me that this sort of experimenting is like working yourself towards something and trying to find what you like and what you want.
It's really tough to get happy music going, you know?
We already had all the songs, and it turns out all you have to do is burn them to some CDs, so why not?