
David Gilmour Quotes - Page 2

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Where would rock and roll be without feedback?

"Pink Floyd at Pompeii". Documentary, Music, 1972.

I tend to jot down music.


I haven't watched it [the film 'Pink Floyd at Pompeii'] in years. I find it excruciating.

"David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It’s a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, July 7, 2016.

Well, I am David Gilmour, the voice and guitar of Pink Floyd. I have been since I was 21.

"Q&A: David Gilmour". Billboard Interview, February 21, 2006.

I can't remember really what it's like to do it within Pink Floyd. In my mind, that's a thing of the past.

"David Gilmour Talks Pompeii Return: 'It's a Place of Ghosts'". Interview with Kory Grow, July 7, 2016.