
David Ignatow Quotes

I wish I understood the beauty in leaves falling. To whom are we beautiful as we go?

I wish I understood the beauty in leaves falling. To whom are we beautiful as we go?

David Ignatow (2011). “Against the Evidence: Selected Poems, 1934–1994”, p.72, Wesleyan University Press

I like rust on a nail, fog on a mountain. Clouds hide stars, rooms have doors, eyes close, and the same words that began love end it with changed emphasis.

David Ignatow (2011). “Against the Evidence: Selected Poems, 1934–1994”, p.57, Wesleyan University Press

I should be content to look at a mountain for what it is and not as a comment on my life.

David Ignatow (2011). “Against the Evidence: Selected Poems, 1934–1994”, p.45, Wesleyan University Press

The burden of living one’s own life is experiencing sensations that no one else can share.

David Ignatow, Ralph J. Mills (1980). “Open between us”, Univ of Michigan Pr