If you feel so lonely you could cry, take the focus off yourself. Think of how much God loves you, and find another person whom you can serve today.
If you face a challenging task from God today, ask yourself, "How would Jesus handle this?" Then go and do the same.
The greatest adventure in life - knowing God - begins at the Cross of Christ and ends with a "Hallelujah!"
God has given us the gift of faith that we can take what's unseen and make it part of who we are.
God is unlimited and infinite with respect to time; He is eternal. God is unlimited and unaffected by space; He is present everywhere at the same time.
But it's God who gives us the ability to do things, even to gain wealth; and we must remember that what we do is only successful when we do it - His Way.
Throughout Jesus' ministry, He took time away from the crowds and even His disciples to pray by Himself. Jesus modeled the importance of not only serving God with our actions but of being still and drawing close to God to renew our souls.
The truth is: We serve a generous God. He delights in giving us opportunities beyond our capabilities. He has promised to equip us, and remain with us through each bend in the road.
If you're unhappy with another person's behavior, pray about it and be honest and open in dealing with it in the right kind of way.
Picking up our Bibles, we should give God our full attention, withhold our opinion until we understand what He is saying, listen without interrupting, and respond with understanding and obedience.
God cares about you and your needs. Bring them to Him in a spirit of worship and thanksgiving, knowing that He is mindful of your place in His creation.
Refresh your commitment today to test everything by the Word of God. The surest defense against spiritual deception is knowledge of spiritual truth.
Though it may seem overdue, righteousness is always rewarded. Don't be impatient with God. He'll never forget to reward your efforts for Him.
The greatest encouragement is conveyed in prayer.
God appeared to His people in the Old Testament and dwelt with His people in the New - and now abides in us by His Spirit.
Ask God to show you any changes you need to make in your relationships. And make sure your closest relationship continues to be with Jesus Himself.
It is only as we remember and embrace His generous grace toward us that we can extend it to others.
We are sometimes tempted to believe the lie that God does not love us. Thankfully the Bible is filled with evidence that this is not true.
On the third day after Jesus' own death, He came out of the grave to give the world a sign it cannot deny. For a man to predict His own death and resurrection was something only God could do.
We can be encouraged knowing that our daily actions and words are declaring Christ to the world.
If you're anxious about the state of the world, that's understandable. But trade your anxiety for the blessing of hearing the words of Scripture, keeping them in faith and obedience, and remembering the time is near.
The true celebration of Christmas is when we ponder afresh the grace of God who became human, entered history through a virgin's womb, and brought redemption to the world.
Though not everyone can attend seminary, every Christian has a seminary between two covers - the Holy Bible. God's Word is a school that trains us for the work He has planned for us on earth.
Scripture suggests that meditating on the Word of God can have an always-on effect of peace and strength in difficult times.
People crave encouragement, and sometimes the greatest encouragement is the writing of words that endure. Perhaps you can pen a note of affirmation and approval to someone today.