I've always been my own hitting coach.
I guess the rules aren't for everyone.
You can never fall in love with a team.
A lot of people write books not at the end of their career. Why you gotta wait until then? When you're momentum's going, that's when people really want to get to know about you.
If I can't hit at a high level, I won't play, and I know there comes a point where my body won't be able to do that.
What I don't want to do is just play for the sake of playing.
I never thought that buying supplements and vitamins, it was going to hurt anybody's feelings.
The fans know that I don't give at-bats away.
I'm just another player that comes in and comes out. Everybody's time is up at some point, I don't think that's my problem. I'm just going to keep on trying like I normally do.