Climate change is the mother of all hysterias of the Left
More people have done good in the name of God than any other way
You owe others a happy disposition
Where are the vehicles to character development in secular society?
The next time your daughter asks, 'Where are all the men?' Tell them that the Democratic party and its policies got rid of them'
It is a lie that America is racist
The Left is totalitarian in its nature
This is the belief of the Left: You negotiate with evil, and get tough with your allies
Does the unborn human fetus have at any point the right to live?
Our youth [with their overwhelming support of Obama] are voting for a permanent tax on their life
Big government squashes the human spirit
Is there a point of taxation wherein even a Democrat would acknowledge it is thievery by the government?
American is deteriorating because it is becoming like other countries
Doing well is a conservative idea; meaning well is a liberal idea
Every Left-wing hysteria of my lifetime has turned out to be untrue. Every single one
Just listen to Chris Matthews on any given day and you will see what's acceptable on the Left
If you're morally clear you are not on the Left
It is easier to take a position in the abstract than when it hits home.
Parents are flawed human beings who are given a role that more approximates that of God than of mere mortals.
Every person who speaks or writes for the public will make an occasional faux pas, and sooner or later will write or say something inappropriate.
Given the unprecedented ignorance of the Bible in contemporary America, it is likely that more young Americans will only know the Noah of 'Noah.' We can only hope that the film offers even a fraction of the wisdom of the original.
The love of freedom is actually an aberration.
It is sometimes rational to do what is wrong, and sometimes irrational to do what is right
There is no happiness that isn't earned
President Obama has done more damage to America than any American has since 1776