Conservative Quotes
Francis August Schaeffer (1982). “The Complete Works of Francis A. Schaeffer: A Christian view of the church”
I'm a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.
VP Nomination Acceptance Address, delivered 20 July 2016
Speech in Virginia House of Burgesses,Williamsburg, Va., May 1765.
I was reared in the conservative atmosphere of a Methodist parsonage.
Countee Cullen, Gerald Lyn Early (1991). “My soul's high song: the collected writings of Countee Cullen, voice of the Harlem Renaissance”, Doubleday Books
Watchman Nee (1987). “Gleanings in the Fields of Boaz”, p.91, Christian Fellowship Publishers
Mark R. Levin (2009). “Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto”, p.13, Simon and Schuster
Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, it's common sense.
United States. President (1981-1989 : Reagan), Ronald Reagan (1984). “Ronald Reagan”