
Dennis Rainey Quotes

Far too many husbands fail to recognize that what your wife wants and needs most from you is your concern for her soul.

Far too many husbands fail to recognize that what your wife wants and needs most from you is your concern for her soul.

Dennis Rainey, Barbara Rainey (2014). “Moments With You: Daily Connections for Couples”, Gospel Light Publications

Every dad is the family role model, whether he wants the job or not.

Dennis Rainey (2003). “Staying Close: Stopping the Natural Drift Toward Isolation in Marriage”, p.142, Thomas Nelson

Pulling weeds and planting seeds. That's the story of life. We are individual lots on which either weeds of selfishness or fruit of the Holy Spirit grows and flourishes.

Dennis Rainey, Barbara Rainey (1995). “Moments Together for Couples: 365 Daily Devotions for Drawing Near to God & One Another”, p.368, Baker Books

Your marriage moves toward a state of isolation. Unless you lovingly and energetically nurture your marriage, you will begin to drift away from your mate.

Dennis Rainey (2003). “Staying Close: Stopping the Natural Drift Toward Isolation in Marriage”, p.12, Thomas Nelson Inc