
Desmond Tutu Quotes - Page 5

I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place.

I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place.

"Desmond Tutu Would Prefer Hell Over A Homophobic Heaven". Desmond Tutu's statements during the United Nations’ launch of its gay-rights program in Cape Town, July 26, 2013.

It is our moral obligation to give every child the very best education possible.

"Facing the Future: Global Education at the Crossroads" by Desmond Tutu, Dennis Van Roekel, June 21, 2010.

When people were hungry, Jesus didn't say, "Now is that political or social?" He said, "I feed you." Because the good news to a hungry person is bread.

"God's Mission in the World: An Ecumenical Christian Study Guide on Global Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals". The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, 2006.

We can no longer continue feeding our addiction to fossil fuels as if there is no tomorrow. For there will be no tomorrow.

"Heirs to Rockefeller oil fortune divest from fossil fuels over climate change" by Suzanne Goldenberg, September 22, 2014.