It's time for democrats to grow a backbone and stand up for what we believe.
Be present - and see what a difference it makes in your lives and in the world.
I've learned over the years that identity has a whole lot less to do with location or other people's expectations than with your own sense of self and self-confidence.
Don't tell me words don't matter.
If you are ever going to move beyond where you stand at that moment you have to conjure a picture in your head of where you want to go.
I think that hope, that ability to envision, to imagine a better way, and then to apply yourself to it, is the way to climb out of a hole, is the way to build a better life, is the way to build a better community and a better country.
We have drained common sense out of our politics. The more we focus on tactics and games, the more good people check out and give up
A great teacher who is full of excitement and love for her students can make all the difference in their lives.
It's a free country. I wish it weren't.
Hope for the best and work for it.
I view the experiences that I have had - both the tough ones and the pleasant ones - as gifts.
Let's go tell everyone we meet that, when the American dream is at stake, you want Barack Obama in charge.
"Government" is the name we give to the things we choose to do together.
I very much believe in values-based leadership, and that the values that I believe in and try to govern by are transcendent values. They have nothing to do with race or even with political parties. Secondly, I think nothing substitutes for the power of the grassroots by showing them the courtesy of going to them where they are and inviting them to take part in the political process.
I do identify with St. Patrick, not just in name. He drove the snakes out of Ireland. I intend to drive the snakes out of the State House
We'll be competitive with organized labor, we're also competitive with regular, unorganized labor, working people who see their stakes and their future in the plans we're putting forward to move Massachusetts forward.
One great thing about being a black man is that if you put on a hat, you can m