
Dick Morris Quotes

The Darwinian adaptive trait of our time is the ability to figure out when we are being lied to on television.

Dick Morris (2007). “The New Prince: Machiavelli Updated for the Twenty-First Century”, p.32, St. Martin's Press

The most basic decision a modern politician must make is whether to be aggressive or conciliatory.

Dick Morris (2007). “The New Prince: Machiavelli Updated for the Twenty-First Century”, p.76, St. Martin's Press

Despite romantic fantasies about caring candidates who learn of America in donut shops, most politicians rely on media to teach them what concerns the average person.

Dick Morris (2007). “The New Prince: Machiavelli Updated for the Twenty-First Century”, p.117, St. Martin's Press

Take whatever position you want, but do take a position, because once you do, ample money awaits you on either side.

Dick Morris (2007). “The New Prince: Machiavelli Updated for the Twenty-First Century”, p.111, St. Martin's Press

No candidate can win a presidential race advocating gay marriage and opposing the military action in Iraq.

"Dean is a driving force in chasing faithful away". Dick Morris, The Daily Courier, July 31, 2003.