So, you just have to keep pushing yourself with regards to the choices you make, to make sure they're very different from one another, I suppose. I don't know. I don't have any answer for any of that. I can't help but just say yes to lots of work that comes my way because I'm so relieved and so desperately excited and pleased that anyone could possibly offer me any work anyway.
You're taking big risks doing comedy, because ultimately, you're trying to be funny. If you're not funny, you look like an idiot. You have to be prepared to look like an idiot, so you need to have confidence in the man at the helm of it all. You have to take a massive leap of faith and be daring and bold with your choices. It always makes for better work I think.
You'd probably never recognize the drummer from your favorite band ever, if they walked past you on the street. I didn't even recognize the drummer from Pink Floyd the other day, and they're one of the biggest bands in the world ever. That's their choice, they're not the front man, they don't want to be, they want to be behind their drum kit. They're always the ones in the photo shoots that look slightly uncomfortable when they're forced to wear a leather jacket.