
Donnie Yen Quotes

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Better to be called something positive and inspirational than something negative.

Better to be called something positive and inspirational than something negative.

"Donnie Yen Exclusive Interview: Discussing ‘Dragon’ And The Censored Ending Audiences May Never See". Interview with Chris C. Anderson, October 26, 2012.

As an action director I always try to bring something fresh and new.

"Donnie Yen Exclusive Interview: Discussing ‘Dragon’ And The Censored Ending Audiences May Never See". Interview with Chris C. Anderson, October 26, 2012.

When you watch my films, you're feeling my heart.

"Biography/ Personal Quotes".

If you're playing a cop in a modern film, you don't have to walk with your spine straight up and bow before a fight. There's a lot of free form of expressing yourself as an actor.

"Action Star Donnie Yen Talks DRAGON, Why He Turned Down THE EXPENDABLES 2, Period Versus Modern, Whether Breaking Out in the U.S. is a Goal, and More". Interview with Bill Graham, November 29, 2012.

I spent a couple of years doing American films. I did a few.

Interview with Bill Graham, November 29, 2012.