Always speak and think kindly about yourself, because your soul needs your love and approval.
The ego urges you to accomplish, while the soul merely asks you to enjoy the process.
Your feelings are your signals of deep truths inside of you. They're the language of your soul, and they need you to listen to them.
We can only feel happy and fulfilled if we're engaged in our (soul's) purpose.
Even five minutes spent in silence will nurture and revive your soul and spirit.
On Earth, we really only deal with two types of angels: the angels, or guardian angels, who are closest to us, and the archangels, who are the managers of the guardian angels. Archangel Michael is a well-known example of an archangel. Guardian angels are assigned to each and every one of us at or before conception. As a soul getting ready to incarnate, you actually talk with your angels and set up a lot of your life.