
Drew Curtis Quotes

You don't notice the referee during the game unless he makes a bad call.

You don't notice the referee during the game unless he makes a bad call.

Interview with John Hawkins, March 6, 2012.

Journalism is straying into entertainment. The lines between serious news segments, news entertainment, and news comedy are blurring.

"Fark's Drew Curtis On How "News" Isn't News". Interview with Brian Montopoli, May 23, 2007.

24 hour broadcasts have to stretch limited material to fit 24 hours worth of space.

"Fark's Drew Curtis On How "News" Isn't News". Interview with Brian Montopoli, May 23, 2007.

Most people treat the news media like the exercise bike they have in their basement. They're glad it's there but they never use it.

"Fark's Drew Curtis On How "News" Isn't News". Interview with Brian Montopoli, May 23, 2007.

Journalism is straying into entertainment.

"Fark's Drew Curtis On How "News" Isn't News". Interview with Brian Montopoli, May 23, 2007.