What footprint do you want to be known for? (It's) the legacy and the journey that you're on. Trust in yourself. Trust in the passion you have (inside) yourself.
I've changed my ways - from what roles I was picking till now. I don't do straight "faith" movies. It's one thing I always tell people. I'm not a preacher, I'm a sinner. I'm still learning and falling in a journey that God has me on and doing the best I can.
That's the most important thing when you're trying to portray a character for the audience to believe, you have to have the ability to journey in uncomfortable areas in your own personal life - to bring them out and make (the characters) true. Michael Landon is incredible at pulling those (emotions) out of you.
Don't rely on the money to drive you. Allow the passion to drive you and allow people to come into your life that love you the most and (who want to) enjoy that journey with you.