People will pay for great services. They said they wouldn't pay 99 cents for a song but they did. We've always believed that. When you go to work, you don't work for free; nobody works for free. Nobody can say, "I want to work for free." Nobody says that.
Competition on anything is good, because it makes everybody better.
We've got the best product pipeline that I've seen in my 25 years at Apple.
Just six days after its release on iTunes, a record-breaking 33 million people have already listened to the album.
I looked at my family and I said, "I've got a spouse. I've got three kids. There's no way I'm ever buying a music subscription service for the five of us. It's just not going to happen." So we wanted to do something really great for families... It wasn't easy. We had to convince the labels it was in their best interests, too.
The addition of Beats will make our music lineup even better, from free streaming with iTunes Radio to a world-class subscription service in Beats, and of course buying music from the iTunes Store as customers have loved to do for years.
I expected higher prices for some books, but [there would be] flexibility for other books.