
Edmund Burke Quotes about Humanity

It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.

It is not what a lawyer tells me I may do; but what humanity, reason, and justice tell me I ought to do.

"On Moving His Resolutions for Conciliation with the Colonies," 22 Mar. 1775

Humanity cannot be degraded by humiliation.

Edmund Burke, Robert MONTGOMERY (Author of “Satan.”.) (1853). “Edmund Burke: being first principles selected from his writings. With an introductory essay by Robert Montgomery”, p.170

I own that there is a haughtiness and fierceness in human nature which will cause innumerable broils, place men in what situation you please.

Edmund Burke (2016). “Delphi Complete Works of Edmund Burke (Illustrated)”, p.32, Delphi Classics