Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes - Page 11
Eleanor Roosevelt (1960). “You Learn by Living”, p.96, Westminster John Knox Press
Eleanor Roosevelt, Allida Mae Black (2013). “Courage in a Dangerous World: The Political Writings of Eleanor Roosevelt”, p.244, Columbia University Press
Eleanor Roosevelt (1960). “You Learn by Living”, p.22, Westminster John Knox Press
"Tomorrow Is Now" by Eleanor Roosevelt, (p. 134), 1963.
Eleanor Roosevelt (2014). “The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt”, p.7, Harper Collins
A candle can bring light to a dungeon but it can also be used to light a deadly marijuana cigarette.
I could not at any age be content to take my place in a corner by the fireside and simply look on.
Joseph P. Lash, Eleanor Roosevelt (1982). “Love, Eleanor: Eleanor Roosevelt and Her Friends”, Doubleday Books
A little simplification would be the first step toward rational living, I think.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1938). “My Days”
"Tomorrow Is Now: It Is Today That We Must Create the World of the Future".
Eleanor Roosevelt (1961). “Autobiography”
Obedience may have its uses, but it is no substitute for willing, uncoerced co-operation.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1960). “You learn by living”, HarperCollins Publishers
Joseph P. Lash, Eleanor Roosevelt (1982). “Love, Eleanor: Eleanor Roosevelt and Her Friends”, Doubleday Books
I do not want church groups controlling the schools of our country. They must remain free.
Eleanor Roosevelt, Allida Mae Black (2012). “The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers: The human rights years, 1949-1952”, Eleanor Roosevelt Papers
No writing has any real value which is not the expression of genuine thought and feeling.
Eleanor Roosevelt, David Emblidge (1989). “Eleanor Roosevelt's My Day: Her Acclaimed Columns, 1936-1945”
"Tomorrow Is Now" by Eleanor Roosevelt, (pp. 119-120), 1963.
Eleanor Roosevelt (1960). “You Learn by Living”, p.6, Westminster John Knox Press