
Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes about Peace

When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?

When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?

Eleanor Roosevelt (2007). “The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers: The human rights years, 1945-1948”, Charles Scribner's Sons

If we want a free and peaceful world, if we want to make the deserts bloom and man grow to greater dignity as a human being - we can do it.

Eleanor Roosevelt (2012). “Tomorrow Is Now: It Is Today That We Must Create the World of the Future”, p.159, Penguin

This is a time for action — not for war, but for mobilization of every bit of peace machinery.

Eleanor Roosevelt, David Emblidge (2001). “My Day: The Best of Eleanor Roosevelt's Acclaimed Newspaper Columns, 1936-1962”, p.211, Da Capo Press

Perhaps in His wisdom the Almighty is trying to show us that a leader may chart the way, may point out the road to lasting peace, but that many leaders and many peoples must do the building.

Eleanor Roosevelt, David Emblidge (2009). “My Day: The Best of Eleanor Roosevelt's Acclaimed Newspaper Columns, 1936-1962”, p.99, Da Capo Press

All wars eventually act as boomerangs and the victor suffers as much as the vanquished.

Eleanor Roosevelt, David Emblidge (1989). “Eleanor Roosevelt's My Day: Her Acclaimed Columns, 1936-1945”