I think wardrobe is a really important part of making a movie and developing the character.
I find myself maybe just pushing myself to create characters that are a little outside the box, and if that sort of gets the critics talking, then I can take it.
I guess there's a vulnerability in seeing a female character trying to get out of something really drastic.
I don't like to play characters that are one note, and just the attractive girl in the film.
To sit through a film where you're just unmotivated to be interested in a character is probably the worst thing that could ever happen.
A lot of people loved to hate my character on 24. I want to be the character people love to love.
I've always wanted to shave my head for a role because I've wanted to play a character who had a shaved head. I don't know what the fascination is.
I don't look in the mirror and think that I have flaws. I actually look in the mirror and see me. I see a lot of different characters and a lot of different things.
It's hard to be scared if you don't feel for a character, because you don't care if they die or live.