Ellen Glasgow Quotes - Page 3

Given two tempers and the time, the ordinary marriage produces anarchy.
Ellen Glasgow (1900). “The Descendant”
Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (1963). “Collected Stories”
There is only one force stronger than selfishness, and that is stupidity.
Ellen Glasgow (1935). “Vein of Iron”
There is no state of satisfaction, because to himself no man is a success.
Ellen Glasgow (1900). “The Descendant”
In her single person she managed to produce the effect of a majority.
Ellen Glasgow (2016). “Virginia”, p.126, The Floating Press
Ellen Glasgow (1938). “Virginia”
After all, you can't expect men not to judge by appearances.
Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (1938). “Works”
Women like to sit down with trouble - as if it were knitting.
1932 The Sheltered Life, pt.3, section 3.
anger and jealousy are spasms of the nerves, not of the heart.
Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (1938). “Works”
Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (1958). “Letters of Ellen Glasgow”
Ellen Glasgow (1900). “The Descendant”
Ellen Glasgow (2016). “The Voice of the People”, p.213, The Floating Press
a successful politician does not have convictions; he has emotions.
Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow (1900). “The Voice of the People”
Ellen Glasgow (1935). “Vein of Iron”