Enver Hoxha Quotes
Enver Hoxha (1974). “On Further Revolutionizing Our Party and the Life of Our Country as a Whole: Speeches 1967-1968”
When the enemy attacks you, this means that you are on the right road.
"Albania Challenges Khrushchev Revisionism".
Enver Hoxha (1972). “The Party of Labor of Albania in Battle with Modern Revisionism: Speeches and Articles”
No force, no torture, no intrigue can eradicate Marxism-Leninism from the minds and hearts of men.
Enver Hoxha (1980). “Eurocommunism is anti-communism”, Natl Pubns Centre
Enver Hoxha, Instituti i Studimeve Marksiste-Leniniste (1974). “Selected works”
"Selected Works, 1941 - 1948" by Enver Hoxha, Tirana: 8 Nëntori Publishing House, vol. I, 1974.
"Yugoslav "Self-Administration" - Capitalist Theory and Practice". "Directions of the Development of the Political System of Socialist Self-Administration", Institute of Marxist-Leninist studies of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, Tirana, 1978.
"Reflections on China, 1962-1972" by Enver Hoxha, Tirana: 8 Nëntori Publishing House, vol. I, 1979.