People who are good at film have a relationship with the camera.
I had a ball doing Harry Potter.
Irish people are educated not only about artistry but local history.
Also, an area that interests me - and it will probably take years to state what I mean - is the period of the rise of democracy, with Tom Paine, which is around the turn of the 18th century into the 19th.
This whole tribal loyalty seems to have gone.
A lot of Irish people perform. They perform in drawing rooms. They sing songs and they play piano.
There is a great relief in experiencing the worst vicariously.
Every generation is obsessed with the decade before they were born.
I would say the next imminent hot writers are often the writers from the decade before you were born.
There was no professional theater in Cork, but still I did a lot of performing.
I take the theater seriously in that I loathe it, I'm bored by it.
I can hardly decide what plays I should be in.
Theater is dangerously open to repetition. Its exciting when you hit on a new way.
I think America becomes more disgruntled by going to the movies and having an endlessly good time at them.