
Whole Quotes

The sales department isn’t the whole company, but the whole company better be the sales department.

The sales department isn’t the whole company, but the whole company better be the sales department.

Philip Kotler (2011). “Marketing Insights from A to Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs to Know”, p.130, John Wiley & Sons

I’ve been a barbarian my whole life. I’m just a smarter barbarian now. Evolution, you know?

"Ex-UFC champion Brock Lesnar finally rules out return to MMA". Interview with Greg Beacham, March 25, 2015.

Having small touches of colour makes it more colourful than having the whole thing in colour.

"Dieter Rams at home, 2004". Interview with Bruce Sterling, September 29, 2010.

The whole thing is, do as much as you can, when you possibly can, and don't stress.

"Interview with Nas | The legendary rapper on never giving up and chasing your dreams". Interview with Maranda Pleasant,