
Frances Parkinson Keyes Quotes

One does not permit one's friends to be slandered in time of trouble.

Frances Parkinson Keyes (1968). “Dinner at Antoine's”

Taking the way that opens, even if it seems hardly more than a footpath, not infrequently leads to the highways of heart's desire, if not to fame and fortune.

Frances Parkinson Keyes (1972). “All flags flying: reminiscences of Frances Parkinson Keyes”, McGraw-Hill Companies

A compensation is something which does not quite compensate.

Frances Parkinson Keyes (1968). “Dinner at Antoine's”

the only door into her bedroom led through the church.

Frances Parkinson Keyes (1968). “Dinner at Antoine's”

I have always been allergic to telephones. As far as I am concerned, they are very seldom time-savers and very often the destroyers of schedules.

Frances Parkinson Keyes (1972). “All flags flying: reminiscences of Frances Parkinson Keyes”, McGraw-Hill Companies