Don't try to solve the entire problem on day one.
It's not easy for an entrepreneur to find the time to blog. But for those who do it, it is a great tool to communicate with the various stakeholders in their business and build a reputation for thought leadership.
I believe the mobile OS market will play out very similarly to Windows and Macintosh, with Android in the role of Windows. And so if you want to be in front of the largest number of users, you need to be on Android.
Money is information, like bits.
Facebook is not an unstoppable juggernaut. There are a lot of other things people can do on the web.
Foursquare's adoption of a game dynamic when it launched is a particularly clever implementation of a social hook.
I also like to use a sensational headline. Many people read blogs in aggregators, which generally show only the headline. So you have to give people a reason to click through. Blogs need to be real and personal. Reading it should be like hanging out with you. I play music for my readers. I show them videos I like. I tell them what I did over the weekend. And I tell them what is happening in the technology, Internet, and VC markets.
If you want to create something great and do it faster than the competition, you need to be action oriented.
Games are the most social of all things on the web.
I would like to reiterate that I don't want any profiles of me. I am not newsworthy.
I'm a free speech bigot. I don't like censorship; I just don't think it's a good thing.
Equity capital is expensive. Every time you do a raise, you dilute.
Skyping with your spouse works well enough, but apparently it is hard to get the kids to hang out on Skype for long.
The entire world is now a rival to Silicon Valley. No country, state, region, nor city has a lock on innovation in technology anymore.
Certainly anything that is news or opinion needs to be free on the Web, because the Web is this very fluid medium that is very much driven by links and the flow of visitors through a discussion via links.
When I see people laughing at ideas and companies we have backed, I smile. It means we are going to make a lot of money on that investment.
To see things differently requires you to be wired a little differently.
There is a difference between hiring a CEO and turning over control of the business.
We need new medical approaches to preventing and/or curing disease. We need new scientific approaches to generating, storing, and being more efficient with energy. Maybe we need more space exploration. Maybe we need more undersea exploration.
There are so many startups out there raising money. I don't think this is a bad thing. It's a good thing. Entrepreneurship is in vogue. Innovators are innovating. Makers are making.
Not only do you have to put yourself in harms way in service of your country, you have to leave your families at home. It is a great sacrifice.
People already love to play casual games. But when you take a casual game and stick it inside a social network, it becomes way more exciting.
Profiles aren't journalism.
All markets have boom and bust cycles, and I think venture capital market has even more exaggerated boom and bust cycles.
If you have a native monetization system where the atomic unit of content is the ad unit, that scales down all the way to a small screen experience. That's why Twitter is performing so well on mobile.