George Herbert Quotes - Page 38
Exalted Manna, gladness of the best, Heaven in ordinary, man well drest.
Church bells beyond the stars heard, the soul's blood, The land of spices; something understood.
Grief melts away Like snow in May, As if there were no such cold thing.
Good cable, to enforce and draw, And be thy law, While thou didst wink and wouldst not see.
A verse may find him, who a sermon flies, And turn delight into a sacrifice.
A civil guest Will no more talk all, than eat all the feast.
Do not grudge To pick out treasures from an earthen pot. The worst speaks something good.
No sooner is a Temple built to God but the Devill builds a Chappell hard by.
Sorrow was all my soul; I scarce believed, Till grief did tell me roundly, that I lived.
A broken Altar, Lord, thy servant rears, Made of a heart, and cemented with tears.
I know the ways of Pleasure, the sweet strains, The lullings and the relishes of it.