
George Santayana Quotes about Optimism

American life is a powerful solvent. It seems to neutralize every intellectual element, however tough and alien it may be, and to fuse it in the native good will, complacency, thoughtlessness, and optimism.

American life is a powerful solvent. It seems to neutralize every intellectual element, however tough and alien it may be, and to fuse it in the native good will, complacency, thoughtlessness, and optimism.

George Santayana (1921). “Character & Opinion in the United States: With Reminiscences of William James and Josiah Royce and Academic Life in America”

The existence of any evil anywhere at any time absolutely ruins a total optimism.

George Santayana, Martin A. Coleman (2009). “The Essential Santayana: Selected Writings”, p.599, Indiana University Press