As well as, we know, as a real estate developer, [Donald Trump] has hundreds of millions of dollars in debt, in loans.
Rudy Giuliani also be mentioned as a possible Attorney General. Is it fair to say that he would like to serve President Trump?
We saw his [Donald Trump] children appointed this week to formal roles in the transition. A lot of ethics experts looking at that and saying that there is not a blind trust.
You see a lot of anger in the streets , demonstrations every night since the election [2016].
We learned that President-elect [Donald] Trump intends to keep his executive producer title on Celebrity Apprentice. We know he's going to come out later this week and talk about how he's going to handle the overall conflicts of interests, perhaps, with his businesses in the White House.
Nobody here is questioning the victory. I want to know President-elect [Donald] Trump doesn't believe the conclusions of 17 intelligence agencies.
want to get to the substance of the book ["Thank You for Being Late"], but it is so closely connected to this presidential election. And you also wrote a series of columns during the campaign, very tough on Donald Trump. You called him a disgusting human being and now you're calling the election a moral 9/11 only 9/11 was done to us from the outside. We did this to ourselves.
Let's look at what Donald Trump is now [in November 2016] saying. He's saying he wants to repeal and replace ObamaCare. He is also saying maybe that if you have a pre-existing condition, you'll be able to buy insurance.
When you look at that key question what is President-elect [Donald] Trump going to do, it's hard to glean that from his campaign. The kind of - the promise is vague and sweeping, but vague in places. Also contradictory at times.
[Hillary] Clinton campaign says and we heard it at front, they tried to do that, they wanted to do that, they were blocked by James Comey.
Looking to the future, the words uncertain and scared near the top but hopeful and optimistic prevail and beneath the division one sign of civility, 73 percent of Americans have a close friend or family member who voted for an opposing candidate.
A lot of people believe, including Howard Dean is looking at this, that the Democratic party demands a full-time chair.
[Donald Trump] said that even though he wants to repeal and replace ObamaCare, he might want to preserve some parts.
It turned out that Democrats did not come out in the numbers they came out for, for Barack Obama. Five million fewer voters than went for Barack Obama back in 2012. So, what went wrong?
Top Democrats laying down their markers for how they'll work with President [Donald] Trump, but who will take on the job of rebuilding the Democratic Party after Tuesday's crushing defeat put Republicans in control of the White House and congress.
I know [Rudy Giuliani] call the protesters crybabies.
Newt Gingrich said that this executive producer is weird and it raises - does raise questions about possible conflicts. The FCC regulates NBC corporations can try to curry favor with the president by placing their products on the show [Celebrity Apprentice].
Forty-five hundred outstanding lawsuits now for Donald Trump, including Trump University in court .
A lot of that will depend on who the person is on [Donald] Trump's, you know, right hand side, whether it's [Stephen] Bannon or whether it's [Reince] Priebus.
The Republican leadership is quite hopeful at this time that they will have wide latitude. [Donald] Trump is a big visionary guy, not a detail guy, obviously. They are preparing to charge ahead with a Republican, a conservative agenda that Paul Ryan talked about a lot on the campaign trail.
[ Donald Trump] deference to the president [Barack Obama] whose legitimacy he questioned.
[Donald Trump] respect for the Republican leaders he denounced.
Conservative activists want [Stephen] Bannon, somebody who has spent much of the past two years trying to destroy speaker of the House, Paul Ryan.
Conservative activists, Tea Party activists, are threatening Donald Trump that if he chooses Reince Priebus, he will lose much of his base of support.
Congressional leaders on the Republican side are hoping chief of staff is [Reince] Priebus. They see Priebus as somebody who they can clearly work with.