Cooking is about passion, so it may look slightly temperamental in a way that it's too assertive to the naked eye.
Stopping the junk food and Eating well is partially about cooking well and having the skills to do that.
You don't come into cooking to get rich.
I train my chefs with a blindfold. I'll get my sous chef and myself to cook a dish. The young chef would have to sit down and eat it with a blindfold. If they can't identify the flavor, they shouldn't be cooking the dish.
In order to create a little bit of confidence, start cooking with pasta. Pasta is phenomenal. Once you've cooked pasta properly for the first time it becomes second nature.
Cooking a dish is fine; cooking it under pressure is a completely different ballgame.
I'm a big lover of fish. Cooking fish is so much more difficult than cooking protein meats, because there are no temperatures in the medium, rare, well done cooking a stunning sea bass or a scallop.
Cooking today is far greater than it ever was, and more importantly, a chef's role today has changed dramatically over the last decade.
How many chefs do we know that prefer cooking for chefs than they do customers, yet customers are returning repeatedly and it's the level of support that determines the level of success that restaurant will have.
It's quite weird knocking that out of them and telling them to forget cooking for chefs; forget what chefs say about your food.
The issue I have is that the cooking techniques are up for questioning, today more than ever before. If you waterbath beef at 22-degrees for 12 hours, it may taste fantastic, but if you don't cook food at a high enough temperature, you risk not killing the bacteria. Things like that make me nervous of venturing into it.
When you're cooking in the premier league of restaurants, when things go down, it has to be sorted immediately.